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Elora Quarry Conservation Area

Story by EcoSpark-

An abandoned quarry and former industrial site just outside Elora, Ontario has transformed into a scenic and popular summer day-park by the Grand River Conservation Authority.

The transformation is an example of the adaptive reuse of a former limestone quarry and 0.8 hectare (2 acre) pond as the central attraction of a 32 hectare (79 acre) tree covered day-use conservation area. In addition to swimming and picnic areas, there is a 1 km walking loop, which overlooks the Grand River, and the park is near both the 47 km Elora Cataract Trailway, and the scenic and history town of Elora. 

The park is open during days from early June until Labour Day; a small entrance fee or seasonal membership applies. This is an excellent example of how a quarry can be rehabilitated and used for community recreation and environmental conservation. 

Click here for more information on the Elora Quarry Conservation Area.



