Waterloo Transit Hub
Story by EcoSpark-
The Region of Waterloo is forecast to grow to 835,000 people by 2041. The Region therefore has plans to build a major transit hub at the intersection of King and Victoria streets. The King Victoria transit hub will connect several types of transportation in one area, such as GO buses and trains, VIA Rail, ION light rail transit, Grand River Transit, Greyhound and Coach Canada buses, CarShare, and access to cyclists and pedestrians, according to the Region of Waterloo. There will also be 100 parking spots, as well as residential units above the site to ensure a mix of land uses.
The transit hub is expected to contribute to the vibrancy of downtown Kitchener with opportunities for public art, retail shops, offices, and residences. The project is expected to cost $43 million to complete and will begin construction in 2019, as outlined in an article by the CBC.
Transit hubs are encouraged under the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe as a means of promoting more sustainable transportation through the use of public transportation. Residential development is also encouraged around transit hubs to promote the use of public transportation and reduce the use of private automobiles.
For more information about the King Victoria transit hub visit the Region of Waterloo's website.
