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Map Stories

This area provides a forum in which the public can contribute map-based content about land use, agriculture, environment, transportation, and infrastructure issues across the region. We encourage informed, healthy, and constructive debate. We also request that you participate in a respectful, civil manner; criticize ideas, not people; and avoid personal attacks or abusive language. Neptis reserves the right to remove comments deemed offensive and to exclude users who violate commenting standards.

For the past 10 years the Barrie fairgrounds have remained vacant. In 2007 the Barrie fairgrounds were purchased by Osmington Incorporated, based out of Toronto. Since the purchase of the site, how... Read more

Long Sault Conservation Area is located in the Oak Ridges Moraine, just 20 km North of Bowmanville. It includes a mature forest, plantations, wetlands and meadows. Owned and managed by Central Lake... Read more
