The Keith Community Hub is a community hub in Hamilton, Ontario. The community meets at the Eva Rothwell Centre and discusses issues, makes decisions, and tries to improve their community. For ex... Read more
This area provides a forum in which the public can contribute map-based content about land use, agriculture, environment, transportation, and infrastructure issues across the region. We encourage informed, healthy, and constructive debate. We also request that you participate in a respectful, civil manner; criticize ideas, not people; and avoid personal attacks or abusive language. Neptis reserves the right to remove comments deemed offensive and to exclude users who violate commenting standards.
The Keith Community Hub is a community hub in Hamilton, Ontario. The community meets at the Eva Rothwell Centre and discusses issues, makes decisions, and tries to improve their community. For ex... Read more
In the early 1970s, the Government of Canada expropriated 7,530 hectares of farm land in Markham, Picking and Uxbridge for the creation of an airport that has not yet been planned or built. The dec... Read more
Like many cities across the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the City of Pickering has experienced an increase in the number of people participating in community gardens. One such example is Valley Plenti... Read more
A wind farm in Orono, in the Municipality of Clarington, has generated a significant amount of controversy. Many residents are concerned about placing a wind farm in the Oak Ridges Moraine, an envi... Read more
The Crandall property, located at 10054 Old Church Road, Caledon ON, is a 70-acre parcel of land and home to three generations of Crandalls. The land was purchased by Arnold and Shelagh Crandall in... Read more